This swaps will be open to the first 20
participants. Please ONLY sign up if you know you can
make the deadline. If the items are not
received by the deadline, they will be returned to you and I will proceed
with the items that have been received. I will post on my blog and the
swap Facebook group when and what items are received. Pictures will be available on my Facebook
page. Sign up will go from now until March 7 or until 20 participants have
signed up.
I don't have many requirements but I do request that if you
participate in the swap, please follow the guidelines exactly. This
should be some of your best work so please relax and enjoy yourself but put
your best foot forward. If at all possible, please put all your items in
a large plastic bag to prevent water damage. On a small piece of
paper (one for each swap participant), include information about who you are
(i.e. your name, and your blog address or email). You never know who might
want to follow your blog or see more of your work so please share. You
will need to include a self-addressed stamped
envelope with your swap items for me to return to you. Include a little extra postage (stamps or money) in case the return package weighs
more. If this postage is not needed, it will be returned to you. THIS
2014 – 3D Flower Swap – You will make 20 of the exact same flowers
using any technique and they will be swapped with other crafters. The only twist is you MUST follow the color
scheme in the color palette.
Further details will be mailed to you in a confirmation email.
To sign-up, please send an email to askscrappinsista (at) hotmail (dot)
com. Remove the parenthesis and spaces.
Put "March Swap" in the subject line. This swap will be due, March 28th. No
exceptions. Sorry to be a meanie but
I don’t want to have people waiting so long to receive your wonderful

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